
'Fix Anything' Repair Tool Kit

'Fix Anything' Repair Tool Kit

We live in a world where most things eventually break down and need to be repaired. Sometimes those breakdowns happen at the worst times and leave us at a standstill or even stranded. I like to be as prepared as possible for those times, which is why I’ve put together this comprehensive yet compact ‘Fix Anything’ Repair Tool Kit. The kit includes a collection of essential tools and supplies for common repairs around the house, workshop or jobsite, as well as automotive roadside repairs and emergencies.

Bosch 12V Flexiclick 5-in-1 Drill/Driver Review

Bosch 12V Flexiclick 5-in-1 Drill/Driver Review

In the world of cordless drills and drivers, the Bosch Flexiclick is like a Swiss Army knife.  With its multiple functions and attachments, it makes for a very versatile tool.  I was very excited to get my hands on the Flexiclick since it's a tool that I've been wishing that Bosch would bring across to this side of the Atlantic for awhile now.  It's a perfect fit for the cabinet work that I do and you'll see examples of that in this article.