Small Shop Dust Collection - Affordable & Effective Solutions

Small Shop Dust Collection - Affordable & Effective Solutions

Small Shop Dust Collection - Affordable & Effective Solutions

Ever wondered how I keep the DP shop so clean?  Watch this special episode showing all the dust collection solutions I use in the DP shop to keep it clean without breaking the bank.  Wood dust is both a health hazard and time consuming to clean up.  Learn how to effectively collect the dust at the source and which setups to use.

For more information, read my article here.

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I use a combination of a 1 HP dust collector with an Oneida Super Dust Deputy, a Bosch VAC090S dust extractor, a Shop Vac with an Oneida Dust Deputy kit, and an ambient air cleaner.  These 4 machines combined with efficient collection ports and shrouds make for some excellent dust collection.  Also check out my shop made jigs and dust collection aids that further improve dust collection capabilities such as the dustless jigsaw table, circular saw cross cut jig and table saw overarm dust collector.  Links to those videos are below:

Dustless Jigsaw Table

Circular Saw Cross Cut Jig

Table Saw Overarm Dust Collector