How to Scribe with a Shop-Made Scribe Tool - Free Plans!

How to Scribe with a Shop-Made Scribe Tool - Free Plans!

How to Scribe with a Shop-Made Scribe Tool - Free Plans!

Ever wonder what the best method to scribe in a cabinet panel or countertop is?  Learn how to make and use my shop-made scribe tool that gives accurate scribe lines every time.  Whether you are scribing a cabinet gable panel, countertop, moulding or any other part that needs to be installed this video will help you approach the process in a straightforward way.

Walls, floors and ceilings are very rarely ever perfectly straight and flat.  That is why parts need to be scribed to achieve a proper fit.  It is a simple process and with the right tools it can be quick and easy.  I have designed and built a shop-made scribe tool that overcomes some of the shortcomings that I found using a regular compass.  To download a full measured drawing of the scribe tool for free, click on the button below.

As I describe in the video and the articles there are several advantages to using the shop-made scribe tool over other methods or tools.  Join me in this video to see another example of shop made efficiency solutions.