MPT Accessory Plans & Instructions (PDF)
MPT Accessory Plans & Instructions (PDF)
This is a complete set of plans and instructions for the MPT accessories. This comprehensive package includes the tool tray, power block mount, dust hose arm, wheel brackets, riser jigs (for use with saw horses), sacrificial cutting strips, cross cut jig and cross cut jig extension wing. Read more details below.
This PDF package is 30 pages in total and includes a cut list, hardware list, hardware source list, 17 full-colour 3D drawings, and 8 pages of instructions on how to use the accessories, with high resolution photos. The accessory package brings you the same high level of detail and complete information as the base MPT package making it quick and easy to build your own accessories. You can also purchase the accessory plans bundled with the base MPT plans at a discounted price.
To purchase the plans using Visa, MasterCard, or American Express, simply click the 'BUY NOW' button above and use the secure checkout. After checkout you will be given an instant download link for the file. If you would like to see approximately what the Canadian dollar value converts to in your currency, click here. Please respect copyright and do not share the file beyond your own use. Thanks!
See the MPT accessories in action!